Jean Chery FO
30 ml $22.50
60 ml $31.95
125 ml $49.81
250 ml $84.95
16 Oz $244.91
32 Oz $379.95
Recommended Fragrance Usage:- The percentages listed below reflect our maximum suggested fragrance usage in the corresponding finished products.
>Perfumes/Colognes: 5-10%
>Incense: 2-5%
>Potpourri: 2-5%
>Bath Bombs 1-5%
>Bath Oils: 2-5%
>Melt & Pour Soap: 1-2%
>Cold Process Soap: 1-6%
>Shampoo: 1-1.5%
>Conditioner: 1-2%
>Body Wash: 1-1.5%
>Face Wash: 1-2%
>Bubble Bath: 1-1.5%
>Bath Salts: 1-1.5%
>Lotion & Creams: 1-2%
>Lip Balm: 2-3%
>Candles: 5-10%
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